Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Meaning of a Name

Some of you may be wondering what the name of this blog means.  You may be able to get a clue as to the meaning from the verse I have for the blog description.  But what does it mean?

In Godz Handz 7

Several years ago, my husband and I were trying to come up with a catchy email address.  We wanted something that defined us.  He came up with In God's Hands.  I changed the "s's" to "z's" and added the 7.   It was perfect!  We are in God's Hands in everything we do.  Literally.  We don't want to do anything outside of His hands.  It was a great descriptor, and a great reminder, of who we are and what we should be doing.

 Where does the "7" come from?  Fellow homeschoolers would assume that the seven comes from having seven people in our family, and they would be partially right.  However, the number of a family can be fluid.  There is the addition of in-loves (in-laws) and grandchildren along the way.  Then there are special friends who call you family more than they call you friend.  No, the seven is not from the size of our family.  The 7 comes from the idea that seven is the number God views as perfect.  We are striving to always be In Godz Handz perfectly...
In Godz Handz 7

"So I reflected on all this and concluded that the righteous and the wise and what they do are
In God's hands..." Ecclesiastes 9:1

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