I pray that God will speak to you through me. I do not want to offend anyone. I hope I don’t offend anyone. But, if I do, please search your hearts and
talk to God about it. I don’t know you
well enough to purposely offend you, meddle in your business, or step on your
toes. But God does! And you can believe that if He’s meddling in
your stuff, stepping on your toes, offending you… He is doing it on
purpose. He’s decided it’s time to deal
with your stuff. So get ready and hang
on. He has your best interest at heart!
I woke up the morning after the election, not wanting to hear any news or Wednesday morning quarterbacking. So I turned on the contemporary Christian radio channel on the television, and just spent time praising God. All the songs that came on were so appropriate for reminding me that God is still in control! So, anyway - God has a wicked sense of humor with me - He talks to me while I'm in the shower. I guess He figures He has a captive audience there, ya know. I mean, I'm not going anywhere, usually can't multitask in the shower, ya know?! So, during my quiet time with Jesus He impressed upon me the need for His children to wake up from our slumber and to be purposeful about His business. I asked Him to please let me share all of this with my Pastor Husband (I thought my musings in the shower would be good sermon starters for him; he could put the meat to it.) Usually by the time I get out of the shower and get dressed, I've forgotten or can't seem to express myself clearly enough to make sense. (At least, I don't feel I make sense.) If I try to write something down, I have writer's block from the first word! Jesus graciously let me type it all down this time - probably because it was the first time I had actually asked to be able to do so! By the time my Knight in Shining Armor got home, I had a rough draft printed out for him. He liked it and asked me to flesh it out more. My very good, godly bossy Sunday School Teacher (BSST) encouraged me to blog about it. And since I always do what she tells me to do, I set up a blog. This is what I would like to share with ya'll.
The scripture I want to focus on today is Matthew 6:19-21, which says,
“Do not store up for yourselves
treasures on earth,
where moth and rust destroy,
and where thieves break in and
But store up for yourselves
in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy,
and where thieves do
not break in and steal.
For where your
treasure is,
there your heart will be also.”
I want to talk to you today about The American Dream. Have you bought into it? Do you own it lock, stock and barrel? How’s that working for ya? Have you ever considered that the “American Dream” doesn’t
satisfy because you weren’t designed for the American Dream? The American Dream is not all that it’s made out to be. Very few people ever truly achieve it. Oh, they look like they have achieved it, but
in reality the bank owns the home; the bank owns the cars; the boat, the
vacation condo, the country club membership, the clothes, etc., etc. ad
nauseum. . . The kids have to stay with nannies or daycares because both
parents are enslaved to the task of acquiring the almighty dollar to pay for
the stuff which they don’t ever feel they have enough of. The American dream has turned into the
American Nightmare! (Do you hear that
sound? It’s the dramatic screeching
sound of the horror movie most find themselves living in.) Living from paycheck to paycheck, paying so
many bills and credit cards each month that even the thought of making a
financial donation to the family who just lost their home to a fire, or to
simply buy a hamburger for the homeless man on the street corner, is not even to be thought of – with your
budget, they don’t fit in. There is not
much opportunity to live the Heaven Dream when you are busy trying to achieve
the American Dream.
What’s the Heaven Dream, you ask? Dear Christian, have you forgotten that you
were designed for the Heaven Dream? The
one where there is peace, rest and the security of knowing that you are being
held by your Loving God. The one where
you know you are in the center of His will for your life, doing what you were
designed to do. It’s the safest place to
So why do we all run around acting like toddlers and
preschoolers by running away from our loving parent – you know, the One who
created us and calls us His own? We run
as fast as we can, giggling the whole time, straight into the danger He is
desperate to protect us from. Why do we
do that? Look at yourself – you are not
cute anymore, the cuteness wore off of this game a long time ago. It’s time to grow up and walk in the path
that He has set for us.
Now, before I get in too much trouble here. I’m not saying that the American Dream is
wrong. There is nothing wrong with
acquiring stuff. It’s fun. There’s nothing wrong with liking nice
things. I like nice things. But just because I like it and I think it’s
fun isn’t the reason why it’s not wrong to acquire it. It’s not wrong when the stuff is just that –
stuff. It’s not your end-all goal in
life. We are not supposed to be Madame
Blueberry from Veggie Tales gorging out on more stuff until our world explodes!
It’s not the American Dream that we need to strive for, it’s
the Heaven Dream that we need to long for.
Problem is, not many even know what the Heaven Dream is, or how great it
is. It’s our job to tell them! Not just tell them, but show them! And love them right into the Kingdom!
I like to think I have acquired the Heaven Dream. Let me describe it for you. It’s the place where I know I am loved beyond
all measure. It’s the place where I long
to be – with my Heavenly Father, Abba Father (that means “Daddy”) surrounded by
all the riches of Heaven. I have
acquired it because I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He knows me personally. But, more importantly, I know Him
personally. We are on a first name
basis. If I walked up to His house and
pushed the doorbell, He’d open the door wide and welcome me inside. He knows my name, He knows my desires, He
knows me better than I know myself.
I Corinthians 2:9 says,
“No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared
for those
who love Him"
but God
has revealed it to us by his Spirit!
It’s also the place where I know that I will be surrounded by
loved ones for all eternity. How do I
know? Because I have stored up for
myself treasures in Heaven by spending time making sure they will be there with
me. I have loved, I have encouraged, I
have mentored, and I have exhorted others to be sure that they will be there
with me. I have interceded on their
behalf. I’ve interceded on your
behalf! I want us all to be there
I Thessalonians 4:13-17 says,
"Brothers, we do not want you to
be ignorant
about those who fall asleep,
or to grieve like the rest of men, who
have no hope.
We believe that Jesus died
and rose again
and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those
who have
fallen asleep in Him.
According to the
Lord’s own word,
we tell you that we who are still alive,
who are left till the
coming of the Lord,
will certainly not precede those who have fallen
For the Lord himself will come
down from heaven,
with a loud command,
with the voice of the archangel
and with
the trumpet call of God,
and the dead in Christ will rise first.
After that, we who are still alive and
left will be caught up together
one at a time, not all alone,
but simultaneously, all at once, together)
them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
And so we will be with the Lord forever.”
We won’t have to worry
about paying bills there. We won’t have
to worry about keeping a budget, robbing Peter to pay Paul. We won’t have to worry about scratchy voices
or ear infections, or heart disease or cancer, or depression there. There will not be any more death, or mourning
or crying or pain.
But you don’t have to wait till Heaven to live the Heaven
Dream! Jesus says in John 10:10,
“I have
come that they may have life,
and have it to the full –
(more abundantly,
it overflows,
live far more life than before,
life in its fullest measure.)"
Now, back full circle to Matthew 6:19-21:
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth,
where moth and rust destroy,
and where thieves break in and steal.
But store up for yourselves treasures
in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy,
and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is,
there your heart will be also.”
I love the Message
paraphrase of Matthew 6:19-21:
"Don't hoard treasures down here
where it gets eaten by moths and corroded
by rust or - worse! - stolen by burglars.
Stockpile treasures in Heaven,
where it's safe from moth and rust, and burglars.
It's obvious, isn't it?
The place where your treasure is,
is the place you will most want to be,
and end up being."
Don't be hoarders of the American Dream, but be hoarders of the Heaven Dream! I want everyone I know to acquire the Heaven Dream. Don’t you? That way we can forever, forever worship Him
I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me
I can only
imagine what it will be like
When I
walk by Your side
I can only
imagine what my eyes will see
When Your
face is before me
I can only
by Your glory
What will
my heart feel?
Will I
dance for You Jesus?
Or in awe
of You be still?
Will I
stand in Your presence
Or to my
knees will I fall?
Will I
sing Hallelujah?
Will I be
able to speak at all?
I can only
I can only
I can only
imagine when that day comes
And I find
myself standing in the sun
I can only
imagine when all I will do
forever, forever worship You
I can only
imagine, yeah
I can only
by Your glory
What will
my heart feel?
Will I
dance for You Jesus?
Or in awe
of You be still?
Will I
stand in your presence
Or to my
knees will I fall?
Will I
sing, Hallelujah?
Will I be
able to speak at all?
I can only
I can only
I can only
imagine, yeah
I can only
I can only
I can only
I can only
When all I
would do
forever, forever worship You
I can only
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