Do you like superheroes? I remember as a child always watching Batman on television. I would hurriedly get through with my piano practice so I could sit down in front of the television with my brother and sister. There is also Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl of the modern era of superheroes. I can really identify with Elastigirl - being stretched in all directions at once.
There are many real life superheroes in my life. They don't consider themselves superheroes, or even heroes, but they are. They are the ones who have shaped me into the person I am. God used them to enhance my life, teaching, correcting, rebuking and training me along the way. Some of them have been life-long teachers, and others have been teachers for a season, but all of them are considered by me to be Super Heroes. This is not to take glory away from God and give it to them; this is to acknowledge how God has used them in my life and to say thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God.
"I thank my God every time I remember you.
In all my prayers for all of you,
I always pray with joy
because of your partnership in the gospel
from the first day until now. Philippians 1:3-5
The first superhero in my life was my mom. She was a stay-at-home mom for most of my formative years. When people would ask me as a little girl what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer would always be "A mommy!" I am sure that it was because my mom was my superhero. She always had a meal on the table when my dad came home from work, clean clothes for us to wear, and trained us in housekeeping and other things we needed to know to get along in this world. She would play games like Candyland, Monopoly, and Dominoes with us too. If we couldn't go wherever she was going, then most of the time, she didn't go.
The next superhero was my dad. He was always a hard worker, a man of integrity, working hard to support his family so that we could maintain a comfortable lifestyle. We didn't have every new toy that every other kid on the block may have had if they had two working-for-paycheck parents, but we always had a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, ample food on our table, and plenty of room outside to play our games of make-believe. I remember one time he helped us make a teepee out back. My sister, brother and I had a grand time playing cowboys and Indians with the neighborhood kids. Dad always impressed on us kids how important it was to tell the truth, share our toys and have compassion for others. Each Sunday, he would load us all up in the car and off to church we would go. I didn't always notice things when I was a child, but later in life I always found him with his Bible in his lap reading from it.
Then there are the superhero teachers I had throughout my school years. My 4th grade teacher was Ms. Pannell. She got married during that year, but I remember her being very interesting and a very good teacher. Ms. Fields was my 5th grade teacher, and if I remember correctly, she had taught my dad when he was a child. I know she had taught many of my cousins and my siblings. I had a science teacher in the 9th grade that was very hands on, and did lots of experiments with us. I know the basic workings of a car motor thanks to her, and every thing I understand about the physical workings of stuff, she taught me. My piano teacher and my choir teacher taught me much of what I know about music - how to read it, and how to sing a piece without ever hearing it before. My French teacher, Ms. Allison, taught me to appreciate a second language, and I read The Little Prince in French class. My algebra and calculus teacher, Ms. Mallie Moody, was my all time favorite academic teacher. She not only taught me all things mathematics (and made it fun!), but she also taught me how to crochet, and would let me crochet in class after I had finished my seatwork.
The Sunday School teacher I had at Dauphin Way Baptist Church was instrumental in leading me to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior; and another Sunday School teacher taught me not only more about Jesus, but also taught me how to cross-stitch - a favorite activity that allowed me to release a little of my creativity, relieve stress and also to earn a paycheck at one point. My youth leader at Meadowbrook Baptist Church taught me to love missions, discipleship and evangelism. He taught us about the other religions of the world and how to witness to others with the truth of God's Word.
And then, there are the Bible Study Teachers I have had as an adult. Not just the Beth Moores, Kay Arthurs, and Priscilla Shirers of the world that are well-known; but also the not so well-known teachers who have taught me so much as a young single woman, a bride, a young mother, a mother of preteens, and a mother of teen-age daughters getting ready to leave my nest. They have mentored me in my walk as a wife and mother, and as a Christian. There have been other women in my life who qualify for the special name of Super Hero. Many of them have been spiritual mothers, or spiritual sisters. One of them is so special that my beautiful daughters call her Granny. She loves me unconditionally as if I were one of her own daughters, and she holds me accountable to walking the walk that I talk.
Two other superhero women in my life are my beautiful daughters. My firstborn is my Fair Lady. She is lovely both inside and out. She is talented in all sorts of ways. She is compassionate for both humankind and animalkind. She can read between the lines in any book or movie and see the spiritual applications, even if they are there by accident - not on purpose. My youngest daughter is my Little Bit. She is a little bit of sunshine when my skies are gray. She is a joy to call daughter and friend. She is also lovely both inside and out; and talented in other ways than her sister. Together they keep me grounded, and make me so very proud of the young women they have become. God reminded me this last Mother's Day that they are who they are because of who I am, who their dad is, and because of other women in their lives who have enhanced their lives.
Then there are the pastors and music leaders who have taught me from God's Word, helped me to apply God's Word to my life, and taught me from their knowledge of pitch, tone and all things musical. They have encouraged me and exhorted me to do my very best in everything I strive to do for God's kingdom.
My favorite pastor of all is also my Knight in Shining Armor. My Knight in Shining Armor is my most favorite superhero. He is a man of integrity, who loves the Lord more than he loves me. . . but oh, how much he loves me! He is my best friend, my lover, my spiritual leader. He loves me unconditionally, and it seems that our love grows stronger and stronger each day. He is a gentle, kind, patient man. He is my soulmate. He works hard so our family can enjoy a comfortable life. He is the best dad for our beautiful daughters, and a great role model for what they need to be seeking in a future husband.
I find myself so overwhelmed at how GOOD God has been to me. A nobody without Him. A poor, wretched, wicked soul if left on my own. God loves me so much that He has blessed me with all of the above mentioned treasures. He makes me feel as if I am His favorite, and He spoils me rotten just because He can. He can and will do the same for you. All you need to do is to trust Him to be Lord and Savior of your life. He wants to bless you, to treat you as a favorite child, to spoil you rotten. But He will not force Himself into your life. He wants you to invite Him to dwell within you. He wants you to acknowledge His Lordship over every single area of your life. Let go, and let God be in control. It is so easy you will wonder why you didn't let Him have His way with you years ago.
Taste and see that the Lord is good,
Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34:8