My family and I have been busy bees lately helping God do Kingdom work. He doesn't need our help, but He desires it. And, oh, how fun it has been! We have been blessed beyond measure. We have laughed until we cried (God loves laughter - see Psalm 126:2). We have watched in awe as God's will has been done, or just begun, in lives of those He loves. We have been encouraged and we savor the time we have spent with Him.
But, because we have been so busy doing God's work, I have neglected to come here and blog in a week or two. I try to let God direct me in writing, and He has not directed me lately in that way. But He did direct my beautiful daughter, My Fair Lady, to write something, and she has agreed to let me use it today. (Actually, I'm such a proud mama I couldn't help but want to share it, but I do have her permission.) This is what she wrote:
I am a sculptor . . . I love to make things out of clay. I spend a lot of time on the things I make and I won't stop until I get it right. When I am finished, I sit back and look at my work and take pleasure in what I just made with my own two hands. And sometimes, if you look close enough, you can see one of my fingerprints on it. I have forever left my mark on it.
So, I believe, has God done with His creation. He has put time into the wonderful things He has made. And everything He makes is perfect. He takes pleasure in His creation. He has left His fingerprints on them. Forever leaving His mark on His work.
I wonder why it is so hard for some to see His fingerprints on everything around them? It is not hidden from their sight. All of creation is crying out their Creator's name! But some do not hear. Instead, they have listened to all of the noise the devil has made so they will not see how great and wonderful God is and never get to know Him.
Meanwhile, God has outstretched arms reaching for His most beloved of His creation. Us. He is saying, "Dear child, I am the one who formed you. I knew you before I made the world. I made all this for you to enjoy. I love you as far as the east is from the west. I sent my One and Only Son to earth to die on a cross for you. All I ask is for you to love me and to have a personal relationship with me."
So you see, the true reason for the season of Christmas is that God loved us so very much that He sent His one and only Son into the world as a newborn baby, born of a lowly birth, and placed in a manger, so that He could walk the earth as we walk the earth, doing the will of His Abba, Father so that we might come to know Him in a very personal way and believe in Him as our Savior. We are the reason for the season. Isn't that marvelous?!
My prayer for you this Christmas is that you will know Jesus and Abba, Father God in a very real way. Know Him personally as your Savior, and not just as a member of the fan club (see earlier post for explanation). Love Him the way He loves you. Adore Him the way He adores you. Wake up from your slumber if you have been asleep, remember your first love and be revived! Jesus will soon return to gather His Bride and take Her home to live with Him forever and ever. What sort of Wedding present do you have to give Him? All He wants is you. Will you give yourself to Him? You have to choose to become His Bride, just as He chose you to propose to. Look around you, see His fingerprints all over His creation and in your life, and say yes!
But when the set time had fully come,
God sent His Son, born of a woman,
born under the law,
to redeem those under the law,
that we might receive adoption to sonship.
Because you are his sons,
God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts,
the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."
So you are no longer a slave, but God's child;
and since you are his child,
God has made you also an heir.
Galatians 4:4-7